Swift Fibre Solutions revolutionizes the way homes and businesses connect to the internet by offering superfast data at an incredible speed. With our cutting-edge technology, we ensure that all your internet needs are met with efficiency and reliability. Whether you are streaming your favourite movies, working on important projects, or simply browsing the web, our fibre solutions provide a seamless experience without any lag or buffering. Our dedicated team of professionals works tirelessly to ensure that every home and business is seamlessly connected to the digital world, enabling you to stay ahead in this rapidly evolving era. Say goodbye to slow speeds and embrace the future with Swift fibre solutions.

Fibre optic specialists

About Us

With over 20 years of experience in telecoms and business networking, we specialize in fiber optic solutions to meet every need.

rectangular gray corded device on black rack
rectangular gray corded device on black rack


Our services include fibre optic design, installation, maintenance, and network solutions, ensuring fast and efficient communication for businesses.

Our Services

Openreach and AltNet Suppliers

We have a team of fibre specialists ready for your every need. Survey, spine, splice, cable, audit and fault diagnostic.

Contact Us